Covert Romance

Covert Romance

I can still remember the words “covert operation” and “espionage” coming to the forefront of my mind the moment we decided we were going to Vienna, Austria for part of our European Spring Break trip.

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While it might be known for its history in being common ground for secret service activity–it’s definitely a city filled with enough to keep any traveler occupied both intellectually and visually.

I was pretty taken by the atmosphere having set eyes on Vienna’s imperial sights, exceptional architecture, rich cultural prominence, and widespread coffee houses. A friend and I had wandered down our own path as we had separated from our group. We didn’t know much about the city and where we were going, but we were in the heart of it. Asking a local for directions soon turned into a friendly conversation and then turned into an invite to meet up with some of his friends in a pizza shop. The ease of everything, the randomness of connecting with strangers in a foreign place was a good feeling. 

I can still remember the moments where I felt that everything about Vienna was filled with so much mystique.  It was all very romantic, down to the perfume I purchased from an inconspicuous little boutique. It was heady and exciting, all of it–sort of like a covert romance. A few years have gone by, the perfume bottle empty, but I can still smell it and everything always comes rushing back. Can’t help but think of that covert romance every time I get a whiff.  


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