google-site-verification=4xuZVFZE5bQwNvt59VJhhO8yMy9wXozO8Kvd5Tmu-n0 Hitting A Wall & Reclaiming Your Happy - Chasin Palm Trees

Hitting A Wall & Reclaiming Your Happy

Hitting A Wall & Reclaiming Your Happy

Hitting A Wall

Here’s the thing about being happy. It’s a work in progress. Sometimes we forget that it’s the end goal.  If  you’ve ever experienced genuine happiness at any point in your life then that feeling like you wish you could live forever is such an incredible thing. When you’re happy—a hundred years seems like such a short life, so why would you  waste another moment letting things around you bring you down? This is something I’ve struggled with for a long time and I think that I might’ve just hit a wall—and it might actually be the best thing for me.

Losing Yourself to Everyone & Everything Silhouette of a Person

I’ve spent a vast majority of my life feeling like I’ve given myself in so many different ways to family, friends, life situations that never really seem to get better, relationships, work, personal obligations,etc. I can genuinely say that I’ve spent so many days and nights feeling like whatever spirit that existed in me that made me feel like myself—felt like it was vanishing and it’s caused a lot of anxiety and panic in me over the years. It’s hard to articulate what it feels like to lose your spirit, but it’s something like a genuine fear of my potentially best life slipping away from me in the thick of it all and in everyone around me. I think this has got to be something lots of people feel.

When everyone seems to need you to be something for themselves (even when they don’t mean to) it can make you feel pretty invaluable like you’re a zombie who’s only purpose is to make other people happy. So I just want to say if anyone reads this and can relate to it— there are so many different factors in life that seem like impediments and so many people that may also be in the way of your happiness, and even when so much of that mess feels completely out of your control—it really doesn’t have to be anymore.

Do this one thing. Shift your focus entirely. Green Palm Tree Under White Sky

Instead of focusing on absolutely everyone and everything that drains you or brings you down—focus more of your energy on every single thing that makes you happy that brings lightness to your life, feeds your soul and drives you. You can’t always change your situations or change people, but you can cut the focus there short. You really don’t have to please everyone nor do you have to be a character in their life story because you’ve got your own. Whatever you want to accomplish in your life you absolutely can and the only person you need for that is you.Brown Sand

Keep your focus on moving onward and upward only, the rest has to fall in place and it will. The only truth and the only thing that is totally sound is self-progression and with that there are only good things in your way.

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  1. June 1, 2020 / 8:41 am

    Oh, yeah. I have definitely hit a wall and feel exhausted all the way through. I’m so glad you posted this. I think it will help a whole lot!

  2. June 1, 2020 / 8:43 am

    I have definitely been here before. I have been much happier since I have pursuing the things that make me happy.

  3. June 1, 2020 / 9:16 am

    Wow. This is a powerful read. Well done for acknowledging that you need to use your energy for you first – sounds like a shift in focus is definitely in order and some gratitude to yourself for getting to this place where you can make a change! You got this! x

  4. June 1, 2020 / 9:27 am

    Shift you focus! Yes! Needed. It’s easy to get stuck with a negative mindset- and hit that wall. You have to actively change! Thank you so much for the inspiration.

  5. June 1, 2020 / 5:10 pm

    Love this! Such an important message