Friday At Home, But Make It Fancy
Well it’s Friday everyone! Pin drop…yea I know, we’re all stressed out at home waiting for the world to end. Somehow, we’ve reached the end of another very long week. And I think it’s safe to say the anxiety is almost…tangible. So I thought I would share how I create the perfect at-home spa to wind down. What can I say, I love a good pampering session. However, this has definitely been helpful to me in reducing my own stress and taking my mind off of things. So if you want to know how to transform your regular, uninspiring evening routine into an at-home spa that’ll soothe your body and your mind, keep reading!

So the very first thing that I do in preparation for my at-home spa experience, is a deep cleanse. It’s safe to say I will typically spend a minimum of 45 minutes soaking in my luxurious bubble bath. A long bath is the perfect opportunity to use masks. I will usually use my favorite deep cleansing face wash over the sink first prior to running a bath. I don’t know about you, but I for one do not like to sit in a dirty bath. Then I’ll go ahead and apply a favorite hydrating face mask.
This particular night I had the Coenzyme Q10 Infused Face Mask lying around so I gave that a go. Fun fact, I am not a fan of sheet masks at all! I just hate that they drip cold and never stay on your face for very long. So when I do a sheet mask, it is favorably in a bath.
At-Home Spa Vibes
With the bath running, I’ll go off and make some tea for when my bath is ready. Next, I’ll come back and add all the bits to my bath that make this at-home spa a real treat. When it comes to setting a mood, I do love a very aesthetically pleasing bathroom. I make sure everything is put away from the counter top. My towels are in order and there is no mess in sight. Next I like to make sure there is some sort of greenery within visual shot. It helps me doze off and imagine myself in the tropics or some place relaxing. Plants always do it for me so I do like to have at least one in the bathroom. And of course I can’t forget the candles. Luckily I make my own, so there’s never a shortage of that.

As the water runs, this is when I’ll go ahead and add either a bubble bath or a foaming bath. I think the difference is in the froth, but for me the frothier the better! Epsom salts are also something that I throw in there. They are fantastic for soothing and relaxing aching muscles as well as body pain. I love adding Epsom salts to a bath, especially when I’ve got cramps, or am particularly sore from working out.
Another fun fact, epsom salts are great for treating post workout swelling or bloating. My trick to using epsom salts for my at-home spa, however, are essential oils. I really love adding several drops of a lavender essential oil and some coconut oil to my epsom salts. As the water runs, not only does it fill the bathroom with such a relaxing fragrance, but it really just gets me in the mood. And the only two scents that I tend to use in my bubble/foaming bath are either lavender or milk n honey which also is amazing to use in conjunction with lavender essential oils. I also love to throw a fun bath bomb in too, why not?
Staying At-Home Never Felt So Good

So with the mood set, the bath and tea nice and steamy, all I need is a good thoughtful read. I’m ready to wind all the way down. At this point, I’ll turn on some soft and relaxing music which just adds a whole other level of relaxation. Just before getting in the bath, one last thing–a hair mask. We’re gonna be here a while. After 45 minutes of complete bliss, I feel reborn. Time to blow out the candles and rinse the bubbles and hair mask off in the shower. Once I’m dried off I’ll apply a light body oil. I really like the White Ginger Contouring Oil by Sisley. It’s a beautiful light-weight oil that I mainly use it on my legs. Then I’ll apply coconut oil everywhere else.
I like to rub the coconut oil particularly on my cuticles, my eyelashes and eyebrows. I have never had any issues with coconut oil, so I do use it quite often. Next I’ll finish off the night with my skincare routine. This is always the perfect end and feels like quite a treat to my now relaxed skin and cleansed skin.
I need this! This will help motivate me to make this happen this weekend! Thanks