Did you know that healthy hair goes beyond what you’re putting on your hair? There is actually a plethora of reasons as to why you might be experiencing more shedding and hair loss than usual. And the best place to start looking for those answers is always within!
Lately I have been dealing with my own bout of crazy hair loss and shedding. Now hair shedding is normal, this is true for everyone. The average person sheds anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs a day and if you’re a naturalista like myself, it’ll look like a lot more come wash day at the end of the week. So shedding is a normal part of our hair growth cycle. Excessive shedding isn’t however, and can often be a sign of something else going on inside of your body.
Only until recently have I really began to delve into optimizing the health of my hair and scalp from within. I’m starting to realize that while I am no doctor, it’s probably always a good idea to attempt to seek out solutions to our body’s issues the natural route first. That means reevaluating our diet and any nutritional deficiencies we may be lacking.
I have come to realize that while there might be other reasons for a lot of reasons for hair loss and shedding, in my personal experience, inflammation in the body can be the root of a lot of problems. I’ve suffered from eczema in the past so I was already familiar with how inflammation in the body can show itself in that way. And since inflammation of the scalp can often be a reason for a dry, itchy scalp and also an attack on the hair follicles– I’ve been on a quest to consume more foods that reduce inflammation in the body and promote hair growth. Just a quick disclaimer: whenever taking any supplements please be safe and consult with your doctor! With that said down below are my current tips for combating inflammation and encouraging hair growth:
#1 Drink Your Water!

Every morning I make myself a warm glass of water + 1.5 Teaspoons of MSM (crystals) + Vitamin C. I drink this twice a day 30 minutes before consuming any drinks or eating any food. Morning and night. Do your research, but MSM particular in the crystal form is known to have crazy hair growing properties. MSM is even better with Vitamin C! These are the ones I purchased after doing hours of research online.
Gold Standard Organic Sulfur Crystals 1lb – 99.9% Pure MSM Crystals
Nutricost Ascorbic Acid Powder (Vitamin C)
#2 More Water

It’s hard for a coffee lover like me to naturally reach for a glass of water when all I want is coffee, but since I’ve been on this journey I have actually been consuming a lot of water and a lot less coffee.
#3 Consume More Anti-Inflammatory Foods

The one thing that’s really helped me since I’m working from home is my routine. I drink my MSM water every day at the same time, then my first break is at 9:30am and that’s when I’ll make a smoothie/juice. This week I’ve been obsessed with my new favorite anti-inflammatory herb–cilantro!
If inflammation is causing me issues like eczema and hair loss then I’m going to want to reduce it as much as possible. So more Greek yogurt, honey, turmeric where I can add it, blueberries, chia seeds, broccoli! Here’s my delicious recipe for an Anti-Inflammatory Super Juice: (Cilantro, Pineapple, Water, Aloe Juice, Ashwaganda, Chia Seeds, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Maca, Vitamin C, Collagen, Honey)
#4 Vitamins

I have to say I went a little Amazon Prime happy when I realized I was shedding a lot of hair. You don’t have to do that. It might be helpful to go see a doctor and see where you might be deficient. I want to get started right away though and figured if there’s ever a good time to optimize my health, now’s that time. A little disclaimer, consult with your doctor first! So currently I am taking these every day:
100% Pure, USDA Certified Organic Ashwagandha Powder
Vitamin D-3 2,000 IU, High Potency
Fish Oil with Epa & Dha Omega 3 – 2,000mg Extra Strength Rapid
Swanson Blackstrap Molasses Elemental Iron
#5 Reduce Stress

I am more conscious than ever of the direct impact stress has had on my body lately. So it’s my goal to no be so reactive to things, stay as calm as possible, and avoid triggers at all costs!
#6 Stimulate Your Scalp
Lastly another daily regimen of mine is incorporating scalp oil and scalp massages everyday. The best oils to stimulate growth are coconut oil, castor oil, peppermint oil, pumpkin seed oil

Thank you for sharing such a detailed and accurate information.