I actually caved night one. I just couldn’t endure an entire day of juice fasting! I ended up eating a side salad…steak salad. It was so good. So I decided that instead of doing a juice fast cleanse, I was just going to replace two meals with juice instead. I’m not quite cut out for a fasting cleanse just yet, I love food as much as anyone. And I had read that typically people do either a juice fast cleanse or juicing as a meal replacement. Since I usually have a healthy smoothie for breakfast anyway and lunch tends to be when I make the worst meal choices–I decided I would have a juice for both breakfast and lunch and allow myself a proportioned and healthy dinner.
A part of me was disappointed in myself that i couldn’t make it the whole day, but then again what was I going to teach my body anyway in a week? Drop a few pounds only to put it back on the next week? At least this way I feel mildly satisfied and I can burn any extra calories by my short interval workouts that I do daily and most importantly I won’t have to starve myself. And yes I am aware that I can just make better and healthier meal choices and don’t have to cleanse, but I want to try it in any case for health purposes of nothing else.
I’m definitely suffering a bit more today. The spinach, pineapple, peach smoothie I made definitely wasn’t cutting it. Thankfully my small tin of nuts kept me going a little bit longer until lunch.