It’s no surprise that Scandinavians, the masters of all things well balanced, sustainable and minimal — are also why lagom is the new trend and best approach to your beauty and skin care regimen particularly for the girl-on-the-go.
Lagom means just the right amount, just enough—not too little and not too much. It’s a sort of mindset that embodies a more simplistic approach as a way of life. I hadn’t always known this was a trend or that there was a word for it but it’s pretty much always been my approach for beauty and skin care at least. Simplifying and downsizing can not only take away the overwhelming need to buy every product out there, but your skin will probably love you for it.
Your skin has always known what to do and just like anything else scaling back can be a good thing when it comes to the amount of products with active ingredients you use in your skin care regimen. What that means is less irritating factors that can sort of overload and freak your skin out. I’m a skin care junkie and love trying out products because I know that at some point I’ll stumble across something new to my skin that I’ll fall in love with— which can I say is an amazing feeling! The beauty industry is infinite in new and innovative technology which is why we women will always shell out that coin.
Lagom isn’t about putting an end to all that, it’s just about bringing it back to basics with a fantastic dose of consistency when it comes to your skin care regimen. Give your skin exactly the amount of love and care that it needs and not only will this eliminate the numerous steps in your routine but it’ll make your life on the go a lot easier knowing exactly what you need. Find the products that are the most effective for you and enjoy keeping it simple.
I’ve always been fascinated by the different beauty practices from all over the world, but I’m definitely one with lagom—that sort of explains my love of multipurpose products. Maybe there’s something to simplifying things in your life that make you a happier and healthier person overall, I mean it seems to be working for the Swedes why not give it a go!