As someone who’s experienced eczema and dryness, but who is also into discovering some of the more natural routes of solving skin problems—I’ve found my holy grail remedy. I’ve found your one stop shop to treat dryness and eczema and also to keep dryness at bay.
It was my very first experience with eczema also known as Atopic Dermatitis. Eczema is a skin condition that is almost insufferable. Your skin goes red and flaky often with bumps, sometimes peeling because that itch is just oh so good. I mean that in the absolute worst way. There were times I itched so much my skin started to swell and ooz and it was disgusting. I couldn’t sleep most nights because I just felt so incredibly uncomfortable.
Don’t Panic
Now if you’re like me and you’re self diagnosing yourself, then I feel your anxiety. Up until 24 years old I had only learned about eczema through friends, but never actually imagined I’d be suffering through it. I mean if I am being totally honest, my skin was great for the majority of my 20s sand the occasional hormonal break out. Why the hell did I have to get eczema?! And on my foot? What an incredibly weird place to get a patch of eczema right?? And also so cruel! Because I worse shoes, it was an itch I just couldn’t get to all the time! I had a hell of a time figuring out a solution that would work to cure me of the nonstop, often painful itch I was experiencing on my foot.
I also learned after much research that eczema has a tendency to pop up a lot of places for most people. The more I delved into learning about the skin condition, the more petrified I was becoming. Apparently it’s quite difficult to pinpoint what causes eczema. I read that not only is there no permanent fix for this skin condition, the flare ups could happen at any time and they can be isolated dry patches or even worse all over your body! I was so scared back then. I felt like I was dealing with something that was never going to end! And when I think about how many people I knew growing up as kids who had eczema and how king they had to live with the discomfort and insecurity of it all–I’m not gonna lie, I panicked. Especially at the thought of having it on my face!
The Mother Of All Cures For Eczema
I continued to look for eczema treatments and solutions to this new developing problem of mine. The more I researched the more I found that often times, even steroid ointments never worked to really resolve eczema. Many people in forums on the topic often stated that sometimes steroidal creams made the eczema come back twice as bad. I couldn’t go down that route just yet. And the thought of the eczema spreading over my face and body just made my stomach turn.
I do just want to say now before going any further that eczema doesn’t scare me anymore. It’s something that I’ve dealt with and know how to deal with going forward. So I felt it compulsory to share my remedy. Ok keep calm and continuing reading on!
Straight to the cure shall we? First things first, stop itching!!! As tempting as it is, you’ll only ending up scaring your skin and make it impossible to truly treat your skin. Now What I actually used to treat the eczema was Apple Cider Vinegar with the “Mother” is a miracle potion for many different reasons. It contains a beneficial bacterial culture that has been raved about by many health gurus to do wonders for the body. From a clean scalp, to weight loss—it seems to be the trick for just about anything. For me it’s been integral in banishing that eczema on my foot and keeping any dryness off my skin. It is the one thing I use to combat any dryness on my skin.
Hit The Road Jack And Don’t You Come Back No More
It’s been a long while since I’ve experienced eczema and since I’ve learned this trick I’ve luckily kept it at bay. Every now and again though I do get a dry patch or signs of eczema especially in the winter time. The best way I like to apply it and that I have found works best is to take one part Apple cider mixed with one part water to dilute it. This isn’t by any means an overnight solution. Consider it a treatment and something you have to do at least twice a day. Eventually you will see your skin soften and the eczema will start to disappear.
I would also suggest using these de-compression masks that unfold when they are placed in a bowl filled with water. I find it the quickest way to get the Apple Cider Vinegar all over my face and hold it there, however you should be careful the vinegar can sting your eyes quite a bit so if you can avoid the eye area you should. My favorite brand is Braag ACV you can purchase a bottle at just about every grocery shop. I get mine from Trader Joes.
Caring for Eczema/ Dry Skin
So at the first sign of dryness all you want to do is apply this to any dry patch morning and night and you’ll see it slowly go away. It’s like magic! It will take time and you will have to continuously apply the ACV mixture to the affected skin area for a little bit of time so I would suggest maybe doing it when you have some down time. And going forward, make sure to take the necessary precautions like:
Figure out what your individual triggers for eczema might be. Often times stress can be a trigger and most people never seem to realize it.
Avoiding skin care products with fragrance. Anything with alcohol tends to dry the skin out so switch up your products where you can
Make the switch to more natural soaps. I like to get most of mine from etsy.
Hygiene is important and often dust and other contaminants can cause your skin to act up. Essential that is what your skin is doing when you get eczema.
Stay hydrated. Dehydrated skin is no bueno for any skin type and especially those suffering from dry skin or eczema.
Take showers, but make sure they are not scalding hot showers as that can have adverse effects and dry out your skin.
Moisturize often and a minimum of 2 times a day.
Pay attention to the change in your skin. Redness is a sign of oncoming eczema and thus is exactly when you need to start applying your ACV to it because you will be catching it early.
Very important and valid information for dry skin. I am sure these easy to follow, simple tips can cure the problems of dry skin. I would also like to mention that there is no need to panic, just follow these steps and you are good to go 🙂