My Weekday Morning Routine

My Weekday Morning Routine

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making a My Weekday Morning Routine just for fun.

Developing A Morning Routine

Mornings–the only word I often used to describe them was…hard. There’s something about waking up early on a weekday that just feels wrong. However, this year I told myself I world train my mind and my body to become more of a morning person and develop a morning routine. That meant waking up even earlier than I already do! In my mind people that have a morning routine seem to really have their shit together and seem more productive overall.

Becoming A Morning Person


Going to the gym at 5 A.M. right before work was going to be my new thing. I quickly realized that it gave me more time in the day after work to get more things done and also pushed me to workout harder. So up and off to the gym I go with my airpods and water bottle.


I’m back from the gym and immediately make myself a cup of coffee. Here comes the chill…I prefer it to the morning rush. Next as the coffee is brewing I do a quick rinse and head back to the kitchen for a healthy spoonful of molasses….yuck. I’ll do a post about it at some point.


I’ve already lit a candle and applied my skincare. Next, it’s time to switch on my favorite YouTube channel and apply my makeup while I enjoy a lovely cup of Joe. Sometimes I make breakfast, but I’m usually up and out the door by 6:50 A.M. so I’ve definitely adopted a more relaxed morning ritual.

I hope you enjoyed this short and sweet post, and would love to hear about your morning routine. If you’re interested in posts similar to this check out this post!

Things That Make My Morning Easier:

Thymes Pine Needle Frasier Fir Candle

Primula Stovetop Espresso and Coffee Maker

Fitbit Inspire 2 Health & Fitness Tracker

Vergali Fabric Booty Bands for Women Butt and Legs

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