Above anything else, the first and most integral part to this whole process of creating content is your vision. A lot of other people may suggest that giving your audience what they want is the first rule to creating content. I disagree. When it comes to anything that involves you creating something, whether it’s music, art, a product etc –passion and interest are always going to be the main driving force. Without your vision acting as the catalyst for this whole journey into your hobby, career,etc–it’s going to be quite difficult to see any of this quite clearly. And it’s going to be even more difficult creating content that illustrates that vision.
Your Vision is Gold So Treat It As Such
Have you ever been so excited to share some ideas or plans that you had with the people around you? I know I have. Even if you’re an introvert like myself, it’s somewhat impossible to conceal your own excitement for something new and exciting that you are venturing on. Sometimes the lack of enthusiasm from the people closest to you can make you feel somewhat dejected or worse, makes you question everything that you’ve been working toward. Here’s the thing, there isn’t one person on this planet that can see the vision in your head. Don’t worry about the timeline that everyone else has for your vision to become a reality.
What was that old adage? Rome wasn’t built in a day? And success never happens overnight so don’t let anyone convince you that you aren’t going to accomplish something with all your grind. Your vision is what will keep you going so don’t stray too far from it. As long as you hold yourself accountable for what it is you are working towards and the time frame you are giving yourself to realize your dreams then you’re golden. HiNow with that out of the way, let’s talk about the vision. So a good place to start would be to ask yourself a couple of things. What exactly are you trying to create and what does it look like in your head? For the sake of an example, I will be referencing my Candle Studio called Jipsē Co throughout this post. Back in 2015 when I started Jipsē Co my vision was clear.
Actually before Jipsē was even a candle company I knew that it had to be my brand name and for it to relate in someway to travel. So Jipsē sort of sat on the back burner and I didn’t really think much about it for years until 2015. I feel as though it started off like a hobby. I am through and through a lover of fragrance and perfume and back then probably watched one too many episodes of She’s So Crafty—so I had a creative idea to make a fragrance candle that reminded me a place that I had been. It’s so incredible just how much the olfactory senses are linked to memories.
Visualize Your End Goal
Creating A Space Around Your Vision
Jipsē Co has definitely changed today from what it use to look like. In my opinion it’s more polished and so is the content that I create around it now and that’s ok. I expect some morphing to happen along the way. Now that you have your vision in clear view it’s time tell others what that is. The easiest way to do that in my opinion is to show them. In this second phase of creating content for your brand and vision–you are the curator. This should be a fun process and a natural one. What are you drawn to? What is the feeling or mood you’re trying to evoke? This may take some digging because while we are individually drawn to so many things–when we actually have to write those things down on paper it doesn’t come to mind so quickly.
For me, Pinterest and Instagram were and are still a great source of inspiration for Jipsē Co. I find myself on both platforms daily seeking inspiration. I seemed to have saved images of home decor that had lots of similarities and quickly realized that I had an affinity for minimalism, and simple but cool design. All of this helped when I began to reinvent my brand look on social media. Something that really helped me in creating content for my brand, was envisioning my product in some of those images I was archiving. Because if I could see my product there then I knew who my audience was. All I had to do was continue to work on the space that my brand belonged to and doing that visually was and still is fun for me.
Maintaining Momentum
Every so often I write down some visual concepts for my social media platforms. I then get to work on creating the actual content I plan on posting every other day. Consistency is key here because of momentum and interest both yours and your audience. I try to make sure everything I plan is in my planner so that I stay on top of it. It also helps me create a work habit that I believe keeps me interested. Also creating deadlines for yourself is an absolute must. Don’t wait for a big break before. The time is now to start treating this more like a job and not a hobby. You are the only one in charge of your vision and success. Remember to take it seriously today so you give yourself another reason to continue on tomorrow.
Let’s Recap:
Determine Your Goals/Vision
Curate A Space For Your Content
Thanks for these tips. I struggle to create content consistently so I am looking forward to trying them out.
This was very encouraging. I agree that we should create what we envision. Our audience is already out there waiting for us to create the content that they need and will find us when we put it out there. Good tips, too. This is work and we need to hold ourselves accountable by setting deadlines for ourselves, and doing the work of creating the content for various visions. It is hard work but so rewarding!
Love your emphasis on focusing in on your vision and your boldness to disagree w those who tell us to focus on what everyone else wants. So good!