If this year has taught me anything, it is that there is power in affirmations. With all of the things that went wrong this year, it was sort of hard to see through all the…muck. And yet, many things seemed to also go right when I really took a hard look at what I’ve achieved this year. I wanted to create the New Year’s post not on resolutions, but rather affirmations that I felt really made my year what it was.
Yes, this was such a trying year for so many no doubt. The constant bombardment of negative news made it damn near impossible to keep any bit of positive energy going even for me. I don’t know about any of you all, but I am willing to bet the google search for “positive affirmations” were at an all time high.
As people, we create positive and negative thoughts that are often immediately opposing each other like a little angel and devil on your shoulder. It’s important to consciously be aware of which you’re giving your attention to the most and let that guide you.
I have to believe that there is something to self-fulfilling prophecies in this life and the older I get, the more I realize my thoughts totally have the ability to become my reality. So since we are entering a new year, I made a list of 21 Affirmations that have guided me so far and will continue to be a great guide for the new year!

I love the way you talk about thoughts as the angel and devil on the shoulder. They definitely can be! Happy new year! I hope 2021 goes more smoothly for you.
Our thoughts control EVERYTHING. They’re what I can credit for getting me thru 2020. It’s always helpful to be reminded to make positive confessions.