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Black Owned Food Businesses

Black Owned Food Businesses

Today’s post I’ll feature a few notable black owned food and coffee spots that are actually local to me. This was probably the one category of black owned business that I feel the most overwhelmed by just because I want to include as many as possible! And boy there are so many black owned businesses that need to be put on the map. For the sake of this post though like my last two, I’ll pick three that have caught my attention.

Coffee Shop. Nuff Said

I am so excited to find so many coffee shops in just Southern California alone that are owned by black people! I am so incredibly late to this game, the coffee aficionado that I am! In my research I stumbled up Bloome & Plume a Los Angeles coffee shop that captivated me with its aesthetics.

I’m in Orange County but trust me, I will be making my way to Los Angeles for a cup. I love coffee, but I love coffee shop aesthetics (if that’s an actual thing)–just as much! Bloome & Plume is a family owned coffee shop that unites the community with it’s gorgeous aesthetics and experience. Of course it does!

1638 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026

Order Bloom & Plume Coffee Delivery Online | Los Angeles | Menu ...

Hot Spot Los Angeles

I came across this hot spot restaurant Post & Beam in my search for pizzerias owned by black people. Don’t ask me why, I was just in the mood for pizza. Well they definitely pulled me in instantly with the decadent images of their dishes.

I can’t speak for their liveliness of the actual restaurant at the moment considering COVID is still running rampant. I would double check to see if the restaurant is actually allowing people to sit indoors. If not then online ordering from the restaurant is still an option so I’m super hyped! The menu sounds amazing and the prices are surprisingly reasonable! If you’re a Los Angeles local definitely hit them up and tell them I sent you!

3767 Santa Rosalia Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90008

Local Grocers

When I started making my list of grocery stores owned by black people, I was shocked! It really made aware of the fact that there aren’t very many in the U.S. Which is why I find it incredibly impactful that the owner Kia Patterson of the Grocery Outlet Bargain Market in Compton Los Angeles decided to change that.

It really is so incredible that at only 36 she realized the need for black grocers in the local community. What is even more admirable is that her mission is to provide her community with organic foods at an affordable price. I don’t know too many people that go out of their way to write reviews for grocery stores but the reviews for this location seem to be singing Kia’s praises!

2175 West, Rosecrans Ave, Compton, CA 90222

If you want to see my growing list of black owned businesses check out my previous posts:

Black Owned Businesses to Support

Black Owned Beauty

Black Owned Wellness



  1. June 24, 2020 / 7:53 am

    Is so good that we can support our local black businesses. I think that this is a great that you’re exposing these businesses in a good way and everybody can benefit from them and their services, we have to help them grow their dreams.

  2. June 24, 2020 / 10:26 pm

    Wow I love this. A black owned grocery store is awesome. I love when you can have a community ran and owned by black people. I pray that we can start having more ownership. Awesome article.

  3. lekhachellani6gmailcom
    June 25, 2020 / 1:46 pm

    Great initiative! Thank you for sharing..