Kiehl’s Healthy Skin Starter Kit

Kiehl’s Healthy Skin Starter Kit

Let me just preface this by saying I am a lover of starter kits! If I’m ever on a mission to find new skin care products, my eyes are instantly on a hunt for travel or starter kits. In my opinion it’s the best way to try out some new products and see if they’re really worth the hype. I’m someone that needs to take it home and try it out for a few days. While Kiehl’s Healthy Skin Starter Kit is a whopping $54.00 it was totally worth the investment and now I understand the hype behind this cult brand.

-Ultra Facial Cleanser:

I have to say this is the one cleanser aside from my beloved Skin Effects Foaming Cleanser by Jeffrey Dover (discontinued) that leaves my face feeling completely comfortable after using. I’ve got an oily T-zone and am just dehydrated everywhere else, always have been. This leaves my skin totally clean, but not in that horrible stripped of moisture, face stretching-ly tight kind of way that makes me want to quickly find any moisturizer. My skin feels great and clean after and I can’t imagine this being a problem cleanser for anyone. It’s very effective and very gentle.

– Ultra Facial Cream

A part of the reason I bought this starter kit was that it included a pretty decent size moisturizer. I love everything about this moisturizer. Having a really good replenishing face cream is so important to me in my daily routine. I think more so than anything makeup could do, a really great face cream can just add suppleness to the skin. And that really makes a world of difference. I will be repurchasing this again in the near future or whenever I decide to bite the bullet because it ain’t cheap.

– Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado

I had heard about this eye cream for quite sometime before I tried it. Honestly, I was sold at creamy. The skin under my eyes sometimes feel like it might be the most dehydrated than anywhere else on my body. An eye cream can’t really be too moisturizing for me! I thoroughly enjoyed every single use of this eye cream. Some days I would just apply a thick layer on my eyes for several minutes before patting it in and it would always sink into the skin nicely leaving a nice sheen to my undereyes. Also wonderful under makeup. I just wish there was a vat of this stuff for my entire face. So far, this is a number 1 eye cream for me.

-Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate (0.17 oz.):

Apparently this stuff is …”a powerful wrinkle treatment with 10.5% vitamin C to boost radiance and reduce lines and wrinkles.” I really can’t say much about this serum other than I was never really quite sure if I was using the right amount. It’s an anti-aging serum that I would like to use over sometime to really see what it could do. However, I think for now I’d stick to some other anti-aging serums particularly ones that are hylauronic. Maybe in a few more years I’ll come back to this.

-Midnight Recovery Concentrate

This was probably the one product I was most excited to try. I had ready how amazing this concentrate oil was and even how transformative it was according to some models. I know, never take a model’s advice, they’re models! According to the claims, the blends of oils work to restore and replenish the skin. I was also told at the Kiehl’s store to pat gently, not rub! the concentrate on the face so as not to disturb the molecules or something. There is something remarkable about this concentrate oil and I’m not sure if a month of use was really enough to see any long term benefits, but I do know that I felt like I was doing a good thing for my skin adding this oil to my skin care regimen. It was the first concentrate oil to kickstart this new addition to my skin care arsenal.

At some point I will be splurging at Kiehl’s. Clearly I haven’t had enough and they left me wanting more. To purchase the starter kit click here:

Kiehl’s Healthy Skin Starter Kit

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